i believe
by SAYSO ©️ 2019

i believe
my life is worth living
it ain’t easy
when i find my mind slipping
so take it easy
just buy some time it’s all forgiving
and when you see me
can you remind me why we’re singing

i believe
at times like these
my life just needs another
someone inspire me
desire me
confide in me your lover

i believe
at times like these
my life just needs another
someone inspire me
desire me
confide in me your lover

(chords + lyrics here soon)

i wrote this song not too long after a brother died of suicide. i was running the trails every day to save my own life and somewhere in the process of processing my life and his, words came to me freely. i kept running the tails everyday to keep myself alive and during every run i was writing and rewriting words. eventually the music too found its way into my mind and suddenly i'd written a whole chunk of a song i love without a pen, paper, or instrument. i never bothered writing it down because it was so dominant in my mind at the time. and then, of course, it was gone. i couldn't remember any part of it for some time until one day out running it returned to me like a lover who'd never left...

SAYSO is an indie artist acknowledging the Wurundjeri People and Kulin Nation as the rightful custodians of the Land: always.


half of all i write is fiction and the rest i just make up...

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